Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Getting started with Heroku

I am familiar with the heroku for quite long time, have seen lots of people are interested with it but not sure from where its need to Start.  

This post basically demonstrate basis prerequisite to start with Heroku.

Hope you would find my post useful !

What is Heroku?

Heroku is a cloud platform that lets companies build, deliver,
monitor and scale apps - heroku is the fastest way to go from
idea to URL, bypassing all those infrastructure headaches.

Basic Prerequisite :

 Required online Resource

 Required Tools

Git : Once installed check if you have git installed properly using this command, if you are not getting the expected
output please try again, or try to set your PATH parameter.

 git --version
 [Expected Output]git version 2.x.x

Heroku CLI Toolbelt : Once installed check if you have git installed properly using this command, if you are not getting
the expected output, please try installing the toolbelt again, or try to set your PATH parameter.

 heroku --version
 [Expected Output]heroku/7.x.x darwin-x64 node-v12.x.x

Node.Js :

  node --version
 [Expected Output]v12.x.x

  npm --version
  [Expected Output]6.x.x

Pre Work

 Complete this Trailmix  :Pre Work For Heroku Hands-On
 Complete this Tutorial  :  Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js

Getting started with Heroku

I am familiar with the heroku for quite long time, have seen lots of people are interested with it but not sure from where its need to Start...